
Thanks for stopping by. This blog has been set up to update friends and colleagues on the undertaking of my Churchill Fellowship from May-July 2011.

Tuesday 31 May 2011

More on PB

The last two days have been pretty hectic with various meetings relating to PB in Sao Paulo. I was at the meeting of the Economic Council this morning. About 20 people were in attendance including both civil servants and community representatives. The co-ordinator of the PB process chaired the meeting and took the audience through expenditure relating to the city's 3 year plan. There were many disgruntled attendees who scrutinised much of what was being presented. For example, the Mayor had vetoed the building of 3 new hospitals approved by the PB process in 2009, only 1 had been built. New bus lanes had not yet been built and it was evident that many neighbourhoods had still not seen previous initiatives implemented, such as a family health programme.

The mix of people and willingness for debate was however encouraging, also the investment in a 3 year plan - recognising the challenge of delivering some of these infrastructure projects in a 12 month cycle was particularly refreshing. The other element of the process I was most impressed by was the types of budget that were being discussed - the ambulance service, hospitals, education, transportation - major spheres of public life were subject to the PB process giving it both relevance and status in terms of delivering something of meaning. The decision-making bodies for these programmes in the UK would certainly not be open to a process of PB and certainly not at a spatial level of reference for individual citizens.

There will be further meetings of the economic council this week as they prepare and approve a working budget for this year. In a sense I am disappointed that I won't be here to follow the process- however, the cycle appears to follow a familiar process to both the Porto Alegre and Recife examples I have encountered.


  1. Hi Rob,

    Glad everything is going well for you. I trust you didn't take a jar of instant coffee with you ha ha. That might well have insulted the kind folk of Brazil.

    It will be most interested to learn about PB in Brazil and how it can be used and implemented back home and how it would be of use to the residents in Great Yarmouth.

    Have a good trip, enjoy yourself and we all look forward to discovering what you have learnt.


  2. Thanks Nigel-
    It is all really inspiring. I'd certainly recommend the Amazon. You guys should consider it for your next trans-Atlantic trip!!!
