
Thanks for stopping by. This blog has been set up to update friends and colleagues on the undertaking of my Churchill Fellowship from May-July 2011.

Saturday 7 May 2011

Just landed at Sao Paulo Guarulhos after a gruelling 16 hour flight via New York. Have been pondering my research question over a double-expresso and have come up with the following:
"In what ways do structures of participation and strategies of mobilisation enable those furthest away from decision-making to influence change?" 
My fieldwork will focus upon two emerging concepts in current debates in the UK around increasing community participation to grow the Big Society. Both of these concepts originate in the Americas - namely:
  • Particpatory Budgeting in Brazil
  • Community Organising in the USA
My interviews start in Porto Alegre on Monday where I will be spending some time with the City Municipality and a number of Non-Governmental Orgnaisations who have been involved in PB since its inception in 1989.

Right, off to complete the final leg of my journey. Am looking forward to a Capirinha in Porto Alegre this evening. Hopefully, I'll be there in time for the Saturday night festivities. Often the best site for any fieldwork!!!

1 comment:

  1. Anybody who would like to travel as an archaeologist of mores and observe men instead of rocks could find an image of the century of Louis XV in some village in Provence, that of Louis XIV in Poitou, that of even more remote times in the far reaches of Brittany. Most of these cities have fallen from some splendor that historians, more preoccupied with dates than customs, no longer speak of, but whose memory lives on, such as in Brittany, where the national character scarcely accepts the forgetting of what this country is fundamentally about. . . All of these cities have their primitive character. Cheap flights to Sao Paulo
