
Thanks for stopping by. This blog has been set up to update friends and colleagues on the undertaking of my Churchill Fellowship from May-July 2011.

Sunday 14 August 2011

August Update

The process of writing up my report has begun. I've been hampered by writer's block over the past few weeks as I attempt to consolidate both the academic reading I've done and my fieldwork into a coherent paper. I'm mindful that time is of the essence as the national context is progressing rapidly. I had lunch the other week with my old MA supervisor, Dr Marjorie Mayo. Marj was a source of useful information and encouragement and has helped me to think more widely about the implications of the community organiser programme for community development practice. At the same time, locally I have spoken with local voluntary sector organisations in Great Yarmouth about the potential of them hosting one or more of the "5,000 organisers" and how these might engage with existing community development practice.
There seems somewhat of a silence on the PB front. This was echoed by an article in last week's Guardian http://www.guardian.co.uk/local-government-network/2011/aug/12/participatory-budgeting-localism-big-society
I have contacted the Big Society Network to chase the learning from the Your Local Budget activity earlier this year, but there has been no response to date.  

I intend to have a final paper drafted by September for submission to both the WCMT and Local Government Journal.